Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to Not Get Any Followers

"Show a little more, Show a little less
Add a little smoke, Welcome to Burlesque"
For the Cher fan in all of us
Say what you will about the movie, but the music was great. Just can't go wrong with the Cher and Christina. Those are some serious chops!

What a weird way to start off, right? A quote from a song in a C-movie and I even included the clip.  This is definitely not the way to get any followers (SEE TITLE). Well, there's another glimpse into who I am. If I like it, I'm going to post it anyway. I love strong powerful female voices.  So in case any of you like them too, I shared it.

But the real reason I'm sharing that today is because last night we saw the Ruby Revue Burlesque Show in Houston. And what a fabulous show it was!  The girls were beautiful; the show was sexy and fun; the music was great; the company was alright (The hubby was in a mood. You would think that if his wife was taking him to see practically naked women that he'd be grateful. And that folks, is a glimpse into who my husband is).

 Internet Photo. Started the night off with Rated R.
Super sexy dance trio got everyone in the mood.

I'm not sure when my fascination with Burlesque started.  I remember reading about the Pussycat Dolls when I was a teenager and different celebrities would perform with them. Celebrating the female body with a sexy tease, it sounded like a lot of fun to me.  In fact, when PCD hit it big as a music group, I remember thinking, "They sing? Aren't they a dance troupe?" But hey, thanks PCD for the fun music in the mid '00s.

 Internet Photo. See PCD is/was a Burlesque act! Told you.

So last year, when the movie, Burlesque was released, I was pretty excited. I'm a fan of the headliners--Cher and Christina. So I saw it in theaters.  I would have loved it as a preteen. That I can say for sure. But I guess at this age, I want a little more from my movie. I can tell you though, everytime I had had too much with the cheese factor of it, Cher or Christina would belt out a number and they'd have me hooked again.

 Inernet Photo. I found it necessary to include a pic from the movie.
Maybe I should just admit I liked it more than I think.
Again, great soundtrack!

Then as fate would have it, I went to New Orleans in December. What a crazy weekend that was--not even sure if that's a story for another day.  I hope that saying is true for NOLA too: What happens in NOLA stays in NOLA. So our first night, my girlfriend (of 15 years!) and I hit up a burlesque show. It was different, fun, sexy and I'm sure we didn't nearly appreciate it as much as we could have since we were partially blinded by all the Hurricanes. At the very least, you can say it left me wanting more!

So when I read that Ruby Revue was coming to Houston, I jumped at the chance--well, they come monthly but I just didn't know that. These were real women that were performing. They had curves, some of them even had, dare I say it, flaws! ::GASP:: They were absolutely all gorgeous! And to watch them up there with all their confidence was so sexy.  At the end of the show, I wanted to go over to them and say hi, but by that point, I was a fan. I didn't know what to say and I chickened out. Haha! Well, if this ever comes across any of their desks, let me say it loud, YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL AND THANKS FOR THE SEXY FUN NIGHT!

Although I should take a moment and make it clear, the entire show wasn't fabulous. Somehow these gorgeous talented women that put the show together, really slacked off in the emcee department. The emcee was so beyond annoying and she killed the mood between every act.  I wished with every fiber of my being that I could find something to throw at her. So maybe if this does come across any of their desks, I will also say this loud, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE FIND A DIFFERENT EMCEE! ANNOYING VALLEY GIRL JUST ISN'T CUTTING IT!

Maybe more women need to see a Burlesque show like Ruby Revue's.  I bet a lot of the women there last night will run out and get their own set of pasties. I know I'm not opposed.

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