Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Used to Write Poetry

I wrote this late Sunday night.  Ironically, it's almost poetic. <--- Don't read that as groundbreaking or talented. I'm just saying it has a flow to it like poetry.

My husband had never seen Basketball Diaries, so we watched that tonight. I've seen it before. It's a pretty good movie. Something he definitely should have seen. And let's be honest, my crush on Leonardo DiCaprio has only gotten bigger over all these years.

I couldn't help but think while watching it, I used to write poetry.

I used to write poetry.

I used to draw.

I used to be so creative.

When did I stop? Why did I stop?

Is this one of those awful side effects to being an adult?  All of a sudden I had to stop being creative.

I can't believe I stopped writing poetry.  I used to be really proud of the poetry I wrote.  I used to think it was such a great way to express myself.

Why don't I write poetry any more?  Why aren't I creative any more?

I just let this part of me disappear. I never fought for it. I just let it go.

In a lot of ways, I haven't changed at all.  But in a lot of different ways, I can't even recognize myself.

Oh, this life crisis is really getting to me.

Well, to continue on int his fight for creativity, I bought some sketch pads and charcoal and drew this last night:

 This is my version of the Born to Run album cover.
It's something I wanted to do since the Big Man passed away.
Last night, I finally did it. 

So in the last month, in my quest to bring creativity back to my life, I started a blog, signed up for a photography class, and began drawing again.  I might just be heading in the right direction.

Update to Fresh Start... Again: In week 2, I LOST .2 pounds. That was one of the first times ever in my life I saw that size fraction of a pound and was so happy/proud of myself.  This is the whole point of what I'm doing. I want to celebrate the little things and be proud of myself for them. Last week, I was proud I lost .2 pounds. And I was even more proud of myself for being proud of myself.

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