Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Misadventures in Playing with my Dogs

After work yesterday, all I wanted to do was watch Sports Night streaming on Netflix. To start from the beginning, I have recently accepted that I have a thing for Aaron Sorkin.  It all started with a show called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.  I LOVED that show.  But, it only lasted one season--side note: this also began my love/hate relationship with NBC. 

I didn't think much about Sorkin again for several years.  Actually, it wasn't until last year to be exact.  See my favorite movie of the 2010 was The Social Network, screenplay by Aaron Sorkin.  I recognized the love I had for that movie.  It was the same I had for Studio 60. 

So, I did the next logical thing anyone my age would do.  I Googled him.  I come to find out that Sorkin also wrote A Few Good Men. Interesting. I already knew about West Wing.  But then, I see he wrote one of my favorite movies that I've loved for years, The American President.  When I was a teenager, I used to watch this movie over and over again. 

This weekend we saw Moneyball.  I've wanted to see this movie since the first time I saw the preview.  And yes, I wanted to see it even though I am a loyal NY Yankees fan.  I love me some true stories.  Well, this movie was terrific and then, as the credits rolled, I saw why I enjoyed it so much. "Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin" Of course.

Now, I'm hooked and determined to watch anything his name is tied to, starting with Sports Night, a show I've always read really good things about.

This is where the misadventure starts:

As I was sitting down to put it on, Nikki started crying.  She wanted me to play with her.  Fair enough.  I grabbed my camera (See Below) and went outside with the girls. We played frisbee until the girls were pooped.  We turned around to go inside and [please pause for drama effect] the door was locked. Awesome. All I brought outside with me was my trusty camera which in the case, does NOT make phone calls.

I walked around to the garage and was able to open it this time (you may remember this time when I locked myself out and COULDN'T open the garage).  Walked over to wear I thought the key was hidden, but quickly realized I had NO idea wear it was hidden.  I poked around my husband's stuff for a little bit, quickly noticing some little animal droppings.  Terrified that if I moved anything something would jump out at me, I barely disrupted anything.  Defeated, I walked back into the backyard and continued playing with the girls.

After playing with them for another 10 minutes or so, I realized Hubby could either be home any minute or he could just be leaving work--he's in a very busy time at work, so when he gets home has been pretty unpredictable.  I didn't want to be stuck outside if he hadn't left work yet.  So, braless and barefoot, I walked to my neighbors house, whom I barely know and really have only met twice for about 2 minutes each time.

First, while standing at their door waiting for them to answer, I got eaten alive by mosquitoes.  Since we have our yard sprayed, I forget how serious the mosquitoes are.  Then she came to the door and immediately started telling me how she was going to come over and get me. Whaaat? Didn't realize we were friends and that there'd ever be a reason to come get me (a post is definitely coming about my neighborhood and how no one talks/knows each other here). Okay.

So I asked to use her phone. Her husband never greeted  me. Her kids seem sweet but they were never introduced to me.  And I stand there, in all my braless glory, calling my husband (thank goodness I have his number memorized), while she stands there and anxiously waits for me to hang up.

See, she was "coming over to get me" because she was just about finished turning her house into a haunted house.  Last year, while decorating for Halloween, I met her in our front yard.  She told me how she converts part of the house into a haunted house for her daughter's birthday party every year.  I thought that was pretty cool.  She said that she'd come get me to see it when it was done but I didn't see her again until Christmas.

Then my neighbor began walking me through her haunted house.  She had black garbage bags hanging from the walls and all these scary props.  As we walked further in, it got darker and darker. And I realized, I don't know this woman from a hole in the wall.  Just because you're living next to someone doesn't mean that they're good people.

I've seen the 'Burbs.

I've seen that Shia LaBeouf remake about the neighbor who is a serial killer.

Even Dexter has neighbors.

I could very well never come out of this "haunted house". Fantastic. All the ways I make sure I protect myself and lecture Hubby on how he fails, I've just walked into a trap...

How could I do this to myself?

What about all the things I've never gotten to do?

I'm still young with my entire life ahead of me!

I have no one to blame by myself! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Then we came out the other end and my panic subsided.  I guess the haunted house works.  Man, was I scared.

She let me go, although not without having me volunteer for our local historic society.  That woman's good. I have to say.  And away I went, just as I came, braless, barefoot, and getting eaten by mosquitoes.

In the end, I didn't get to watch Sports Night, but did get some quality time in with the girls.  Silver lining:  I got some cute pics while we were locked out. ENJOY!

Playing before we realized we were locked out.
How can you resist Stella's smiling?

 While locked out, we played until Nikki was pooped.
This little girl loves her frisbee, so it sure takes a lot to get her to that point.

After I realized we were locked out and I went to the neighbors house.
"Hey, Mom. Where are you going? We'll keep playing if you want."

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