Monday, October 17, 2011

Maybe I Want to be a Wedding Planner When I Grow Up...

........................but don't hold me to that.

Sorry it's been a while.  I know this is a slippery slope so I'll make sure TWO weeks don't go by without a post again!  First, I didn't write anything because nothing interesting was happening to me and I didn't want to write a boring post with no direction (not that I haven't done that before).  Then, I got a little too busy and didn't write anything during my down time because I was too tired from what was going on that day.  In between all that, there were also times when I was just too lazy--have I ever mentioned that I'm typically brutally honest?  Well, in the spirit of my ever recurring theme of "What do I want to be when I grow up?", I'll pick up with a story from that:

Earlier this year, while I was still in my miserable dead-end job, I decided to post an ad on Craigslist.  Not one of those creepy ones,  but one offering free wedding planning services.  You see, I've always dreamed about what I would do if I won the lottery.  The problem is that I don't play the lottery.  Well, I've always dreamed about being a wedding planner. I've talked about it.  I've helped friends in planning theirs.  But beyond just talking, I never really did anything about it.

Then one night I figured, if I want to do this, I'm going to need experience.  And the only way someone's going to hire an inexperienced wedding planner (other than friends and family) was by offering the services for free.  This would give me an opportunity to test the waters, learn a little about it, and if I do well, possibly even begin getting a list of references.

Then I got a hit.  I actually got two but one of the weddings was during a time right smack in the middle of vacations, traveling, and visitors, so I had to turn that one down.  The other wasn't happening until the end of the year.

The original email from the client--yeah, I get to say that--was super professional and very organized.  We set up a time to speak shortly there after.  The conversation went well.  She seemed a lot like me.  A bit controlling about her wedding but really in need of help for the day of the festivities.  She had booked many vendors but really wasn't sure how she was going to handle them during the course of the day.  She said that was really how she needed my help.

Well, sign me up!  This seemed like a really good first opportunity.  This was a bride that absolutely knew what she wanted but just needed some help.  What a great way to get my feet wet.  I was so excited during the course of the call, that I forgot to ask the groom's name.  But no worries, I was sure to email her and ask.

I knew she had just started a new position at her company which was leaving her very little time for planning.  I reached out to her a couple of times via email but never heard anything back.  Then I got caught up in my job search and eventual switch.  We didn't communicate at all again until late August, when she called me and left a voicemail.  The issue at this point was I had NO IDEA who this message was from.  But when I called her back, she refreshed my memory--how embarrassing.

We decided to set up a meeting since the wedding was just a couple of months away but we never pinned down a time.  I followed up with an email. Nothing.

About a month later, I decided we really needed to meet, so I called her.  I was ready to put my foot down about a meeting time but didn't need to.  It was one of the first things out of her mouth, "Let's get together for lunch." So we did.  It was really exciting for me.  I really enjoyed meeting her and going over what the day is going to look like.  Then, at the end, she said something that really boosted my confidence, "After speaking to you, I feel so much better about the plans." Yup, I did that.  I made her feel better. Awesome.

So I worked on a minute-by-minute timeline, based on my wedding timeline that our coordinator did.  I emailed it off to her with some questions. And.... well, and I still haven't heard anything back from her and her wedding is in a few weeks.

So what I've learned so far in wedding planning:
  1. Make sure to ask the groom's name.
  2. Always CALL.
This whole thing is a learning process.  I'm not even sure at the end of it if this is really something I want to do, but I'm excited to give it a try.  Maybe there's a career change in my future... Maybe not.  Either way, it sure is fun to see what else is out there.

This could be me one day... minus the love drama of course.

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