Friday, November 18, 2011

Heading Home for the Holiday

We're going to NJ tomorrow!!!

This will of course lead to an inevitable, "I'm homesick" post once we get back.

My head is already spinning.  We basically have plans for nearly every minute of every day we're in NJ.  We'll be there for a week.

I've been working hard to lose weight and have even lost some (and by some, I mean something worth bragging about).  I'm trying my best to go into this with the right state of mind.  Yes, I may gain some weight.  It's okay.  If I don't say that, it's a slippery slope from there.  It's okay if I gain some weight.  I will be sure to make the best decisions I can while I'm away.

FYI, I fully intend to OD on bread, sandwiches, and pizza.  Can you figure out why I already know that I'll gain some weight?

Anyway, I'm super excited to be going home for the holiday.  I haven't been home for Thanksgiving since 2008--that's pretty wild for someone that never strayed too far from home until 2008.

I'm super nervous because I have a really terrible relationship with my MIL.  In fact, I'm so nervous about how that will go over the next week (and then the month after that because she doesn't tend to let you know that she's upset and if she does it's not for weeks after), I just threw up in my mouth a little. Awesome.  My MIL stories are for another time, and there are plenty.  Let's just say that one of the last Thanksgivings I spent with her she told my mother that I was a bitch and everyone that would listen that Hubby (then boyfriend) and I should see other people. Did I mention Awesome?

So I'm sure I'll come back with lots of juicy stories.  I'll even try to write while I'm away.  Although, I'm not making any promises.  I typically only write once a week as it is.

Wish me luck and if I'm not back before Thanksgiving, Happy Turkey Day, GOBBLE GOBBLE!

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